by Haroon Ahmed | Inspired by Dr. Muhammed Volkan’s lessons

The Straight Path lies in moderation, avoiding (افراط أو التفريط) excess or negligence. Straying into extremes, as seen with the Mu’tazila, who emphasized Rational Sciences excessively, neglecting Revelation, while the Dhahiriyya abandoned Rational Sciences entirely. Strive for balance, by aligning yourself with the four Madahib, where each Mujtahid aims for the Truth (الحق), akin to the Sahabah’s differing views on Asr Salah when they were given the following command by the Messenger ﷺ,”No one among you should pray Asr except at Banu Quraida”.

Knowledge spans from absolute certainty (يقين) to complete falsehood (باطل), illustrating the spectrum. Rationality complements Revelation, bridging limited to unlimited knowledge. Revelation elucidates our purpose, addressing unanswerable questions like the afterlife. It takes us from the temporal world to the eternal world. Both, bestowed by Allah, guide us to our final destination al-Jannah, unraveling the true purpose of our creation.

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